Andrew J. Goupee – Donald A. Grant Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Room 243, Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center
(207) 581-3657

Andrew J. Goupee, Ph.D.

Donald A. Grant Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Maine, 2010

Curriculum Vitae


External Engagements:

Teaching Areas: (More Information)

Dynamics; Mechanical Vibrations; Wind Energy Engineering; Design I; Capstone Design I & II

Research Areas: (More Information)

  • Floating offshore wind technology
  • Numerical methods in floating offshore structures
  • Model testing of floating offshore structures

Principal Sponsors:


Select Research / Collaboration Activities:

  • FOCAL and NASA Floater ATLANTIS projects, DOE ARPA-E
  • Aqua Ventus I floating wind turbine demonstration project, DOE
  • Proof of concept small scale wave energy converter testing (Wave Energy Prize), DOE
  • Development of W2 – A unique offshore wind-wave generation system, NSF
  • W2 moving floor and tow carriage development for testing of vessels and marine structures, MTI

Select Publications:

  • M. Fowler, E. Lenfest, A. Viselli, A. Goupee, R. Kimball, R. Bergua, L. Wang, D. Zalkind, A. Wright and A. Robertson (2023). “Wind/wave testing of a 1:70-scale performance-matched model of the IEA-Wind 15MW Reference Wind Turbine with real-time ROSCO control and floating feedback,” Machines 11:865.
  • M. Hall and A.J. Goupee (2018). “Validation of a hybrid modeling approach to floating wind turbine basin testing,” Wind Energy 21(6):391-408.
  • A.J. Goupee, R.W. Kimball and H.J. Dagher (2017). “Experimental observations of active blade pitch and generator control influence on floating wind turbine response,” Renewable Energy 104:9-19.
  • A.J. Goupee, B.J. Koo, R.W. Kimball, K.F. Lambrakos and H.J. Dagher (2014). “Experimental comparison of three floating wind turbine concepts,” Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 136(2): 020906
  • A.J. Coulling, A.J. Goupee, A.N. Robertson, J.M. Jonkman and H.J. Dagher (2013). “Validation of a FAST semi-submersible floating wind turbine model with DeepCwind test data,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5:023116.

Professional Activities / Memberships:

  • Member, ASME
  • Member, ISOPE