Christopher Mordaunt – Principal Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering
Room 245, Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center
Christopher Mordaunt, Ph.D.
Principal Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University, 2005
External Engagements:
- Brightpoint Community College, Mechanical Engineering Technology, 2020-2024
- Bucknell University, Mechanical Engineering, 2007-2018
Teaching Areas:
- Thermodynamics
- Heat Transfer
- Fluid Mechanics
Research Areas:
- Sooting propensity of liquid hydrocarbon fuels
- Biomass combustion
- Combustion characteristics of coal-based liquid fuels
- Combustion instability in land-based gas turbines
Principal Sponsors:
Select Research / Collaboration Activities:
- Emulation of sooting propensity in liquid hydrocarbon fuels utilizing surrogate fuel components
- Combustion of high CO2 concentration biomass fuels in a model gas turbine combustor
- Examination of combustion instability and pollution emissions in land-based gas turbine combustors utilizing varying alternative fuels
Select Publications / Presentations:
- Iyer, V.R., Iyer, S.S., Litzinger, T.A., Santoro, R.J., Dooley, S., Dryer, F.L., and Mordaunt, C.J., “Simulating the Sooting Propensity of JP-8 with Surrogate Fuels from Hydrocarbon Fluids,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 30, No. 5 (2014), pp. 1410-1418.
- Mordaunt, C.J, and Pierce, W.C., “Design and Preliminary Results of an Atmospheric-pressure Model Gas Turbine Combustor Utilizing Varying CO2 Doping Concentration in CH4 to Emulate Biogas Combustion,” Fuel, Volume 124, 15 May 2014, Pages 258–268.
- Lee., S.-Y., McKeand, M., Saretto, S., Pal, S., Mordaunt, C., and Santoro, R.J., “Combustion Performance of Coal-Based Fuels in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor,” Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem., Vol.4, pp. 513-516, 2004.
- Mordaunt, C., Brossard, C., Lee, S-Y., and Santoro, R.J., “Combustion Instability Studies in a High-Pressure Lean-Premixed Model Combustor Under Liquid Fuel Operation,” ASME paper FACT-19089, 2001.
Professional Activities / Memberships:
- American Society for Engineering Education
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers