
Amrit Shankar Verma – Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
 Room 254, Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center
(207) 581-2126

Amrit Shankar Verma, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. in Marine Technology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, 2020

Google Scholar link: Check

External Engagements:

  • Cooperating Faculty, Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC), UMaine (2021- Current)
  • Research Scientist, SINTEF Ocean, 2021
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands 2019-2020
  • Researcher, Centre for Marine Operations in Virtual Environments (SFI MOVE), Norway, 2016-2019

Teaching Areas:

MEE270: Applied Mechanics: Dynamics

MEE251: Strength of Materials

MEE491: Offshore Wind Farm Engineering

Research Areas: (Wind Energy and Marine Operations (WEMO) Lab)

  • Offshore Wind Turbine Technology: Installation, Operation and Maintenance
  • Structural Testing and Finite Element Analysis of Composite and Sandwich Structures
  • Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades
  • Probabilistic Methods and Analysis
  • Structural Response to Impact Loads

Principal Sponsors:

  • Doctoral Thesis: RCN (Research Council of Norway)
  • Postdoc: RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)

Select Research / Collaboration Activities:

  • Efficient lumping method for fatigue analysis of monopile and gravity based offshore wind turbine substructures, EmpireFeed Project (SINTEF Ocean/Equinor)
  • Review of Digital Twin Technology projects (SINTEF Ocean)
  • Tutorial: How to model an offshore wind turbine using SIMA (Joint work) (SINTEF Ocean)

Select Publications / Conference Presentations:

  • Zhang, Y., Shi, W., Li, D., Li, X., Duan, Y. and Verma, A.S., 2022. A novel framework for modeling floating offshore wind turbines based on the vector form intrinsic finite element (VFIFE) method. Ocean Engineering262, p.112221.
  • Verma, A.S., Jiang, Z, Vedvik, N.P, Gao, Z., Ren Z. (2019) “Impact assessment of a wind turbine blade root during an offshore mating process” Engineering Structures 180C (2019) pp. 205-222
  • Verma, A.S., Castro, S. G., Jiang, Z., Teuwen, J. J. (2020). “Numerical investigation of rain droplet impact on offshore wind turbine blades under different rainfall conditions: A parametric study “. Composite Structures, 112096.
  • Verma, A.S., Vedvik, N.P; Haselbach, P.U; Gao, Z., Jiang, Z (2019) “Comparison of numerical modelling techniques for impact investigation on a wind turbine blade” Composite Structures 209C (2019) pp. 856-878.
  • Verma, A.S., Jiang, Z., Caboni, M., Verhoef, H., van der Mijle Meijer, H., Castro, S.G. and Teuwen, J.J., 2021. “A probabilistic rainfall model to estimate the leading-edge lifetime of wind turbine blade coating system”. Renewable Energy, 178, pp.1435-1455.
  • Verma, A.S., Jiang, Z, Vedvik, N.P., Gao, Z (2020) “Effects of a passive tuned mass damper on blade root impacts during the offshore mating process” Marine Structures, 72, 102778
  • Ren Z., Verma, A.S., Li Y., Jiang, Z., Julie J.E. Teuwen (2020) “Offshore wind turbine operations and maintenance: A state-of-the-art review” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021): 110886.

Professional Activities / Memberships:

  • Session Co Chair, Wind Energy: Structural design, O&M, 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE) conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • Guest Editor, Energies (Special Issue), MDPI Journal
  • Topic Board Editor, Marine Science and Engineering, Applied Sciences, MDPI Journal