Evan K. Wujcik – Assistant Professor
Office: 307 Jenness Hall

Laboratory: 303 Jenness Hall

Office Phone: 207-581-2742

Dept. Fax: 207-581-2323

Email: Evan.Wujcik@maine.edu

Evan K. Wujcik

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Advanced Structures and Composites Center [ASCC]

Materials Engineering And Nanosensor [MEAN] Laboratory Website

 Google Scholar Profile

 LinkedIn Profile

 ResearchGate Profile

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B.S. in Chemical Engineering, The University of Rhode Island (2008)

B.S. in Applied Mathematics, The University of Rhode Island (2010)

M.S. in Chemical Engineering, The University of Rhode Island (2009)

M.B.A. in Management (Entrepreneurship), The University of Rhode Island (2011)

Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Akron (2013)

Research Interests

Polymers | Composites| Advanced Materials| Stretchable Electronics | Conductive Polymers | Organic Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors | Self-Healing Polymers| Electrospinning | Electrohydrodynamics | Green Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Water Quality

Recent/Selected Awards & Honors

2023 Best Paper Award for Silica Fiber-based Visible Colorimetric Method for On-site Naphthalene Detection in ES Energy & Environment

Named one of the Best Rising Stars of Science in 2023 by Research.com [UMaine News]

Inducted to the National Academy of Inventors [2022]

Department of Defense (DoD) Air Force Research Laboratory Summer Faculty Fellow [2022]

American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) PreK-12 Spotlight [July 2022] for impact in pre-college engineering education

National Science Foundation (NSF) 2020 CAREER Award [The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.]

Promoted to Senior Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) [2016]

Lamar University 2016 University Merit Award [Distinguished Teaching of an Outstanding Junior Faculty, which has Inspired and Enriched the Lives of Students]

Editorial Experience

Founding Associate Editor, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (Springer-Nature) [2021 IF: 11.806]

Associate Editor, ES Materials & Manufacturing (Engineered Science)

Executive Editorial Board, ES Energy & Environment (Engineered Science)

Early Career Editorial Board, Composites Communications (Elsevier) [2021 IF: 7.568]

Honor Societies/Orders

Omega Chi Epsilon [The National Honor Society for Chemical Engineering]

Tau Beta Pi [The Engineering Honor Society]

Sigma Xi [The Scientific Research Society]

Golden Key International Honour Society [Top 15% of College and University Students]

Order of the Engineer [“Upholding Devotion to the Standards and Dignity of the Engineering Profession”]


Safe Zone Ally Level I & II (American Institute of Chemical Engineers/American Society of Engineering Education)

Faculty Process Safety Boot Camp at Dow Chemical Company (American Institute of Chemical Engineers/Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Research Commercialization (National Council of Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer)

Selected Scholarly Works/Research Products

All research products can be viewed on the MEAN Laboratory website HERE; from >65 peer-reviewed journal articles, patents, book chapters, and conference proceedings; * indicates corresponding author; † indicates equal contribution of authors; + indicates undergraduate researcher; click DOI/Patent# for hyperlink.

  • Lu, Yang, Zhongqi Liu, Haoming Yan, Qing Peng, Ruigang Wang, Mark E. Barkey, Ju-Won Jeon,* Evan K. Wujcik.* “Ultra-Stretchable Conductive Polymer Complex as Strain Sensor with Repeatable Autonomous Self-Healing Ability.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11.22 (2019): 20453-20464. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b05464.
  • Inventors: Evan K. Wujcik, Ju-Won Jeon, and Yang Lu. Assignee: The University of Alabama. Self-Healing and Stretchable Polymeric Compositions. Filed: 12/6/2018, Awarded: 8/10/2021. U.S. Patent11,087,899.
  • Firouzjaei, Mostafa Dadashi,* Srinivasa Kartik Nemani, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Evan K. Wujcik, Mark Elliott,* Babak Anasori.* “Life Cycle Assessment of Ti3C2T x MXene Synthesis.” Advanced Materials 35.17 (2023): In Production. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202300422.
  • Lu, Yang, Zhongqi Liu, Seung Woon You,+ Lauren McLoughlin,+ Bailey Bridgers,+ Xifan Wang, Ruigang Wang, Zhanhu Guo, Evan K. Wujcik.* “Electrospun carbon/iron nanofibers: The catalytic effects of iron and application in Cr(VI) removal.” Carbon 166 (2020): 227-244. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.05.031.
  • Liu, Zhongqi, Yang Lu, Mathew Confer, Hao Cui,* Junhao Li, Yudong Li, Yifan Wang, Shane C. Street, Evan K. Wujcik,* Ruigang Wang.* “Thermally Stable RuOx–CeO2 Nanofiber Catalysts for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation.” ACS Applied Nano Materials 3.8 (2020): 8403–8413. DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c01815.
  • Aceto, Stephanie R., Yang Lu, Rhada Narayanan, David Heskett, Evan K. Wujcik,* Arijit Bose.* “Hexagonally Patterned Mixed Surfactant Room Temperature Synthesis of Titania-Lead Selenide Nanocomposites.” Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2 (2018): 389-396. DOI: 10.1007/s42114-018-0028-3.
  • Wujcik, Evan K.,* Stephen E. Duirk, George G. Chase, Chelsea N. Monty.* “A visible colorimetric sensor based on nanoporous polypropylene fiber membranes for the determination of trihalomethanes in treated drinking water.” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 223 (2016): 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.09.004.
  • Lu, Yang, Guoqiang Yu, Xin Wei,+ Chuanxing Zhan, Ju-Won Jeon, Xifang Wang, Clayton Jeffryes, Zhanhu Guo, Suying Wei, Evan K. Wujcik.* “Fabric/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sensor for Portable On-Site Copper Detection in Water.” Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2.4 (2019): 711-719. DOI: 10.1007/s42114-019-00122-7.
  • Inventors: Chelsea N. Monty, Evan K. Wujcik, and Nathaniel J. Blasdel. Assignee: The University of Akron. Flexible Electrode for Detecting Changes in Temperature and Sodium Ion Concentration in Sweat. Filed: 1/28/2013, Awarded: 3/28/2017. U.S. Patent9,603,560.

UMaine Press

“Wujcik developing wearable sensors that stretch and repair themselves” [UMaine News Link]

“Wujcik ranked among 2023 best rising stars in science by Research.com” [UMaine News Link] [ASCC Link]

“University of Maine Faculty Receive Prestigious NSF CAREER Awards, Garnering over $1.8 Million in 2023” [UMaine News Link]

“Wujcik to present at 94th New England Complex Fluids Workshop” [UMaine News Link]