Assistant Professor, SCIS and Collaborating Assistant Professor, Maine Business School
249 Boardman Hall
Manuel Woersdoerfer
Office: 249 Boardman Hall
View Websites: Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Papers SSRN
Dr. Woersdoerfer is an Assistant Professor in SCIS and Collaborating Assistant Professor with the Business School at the University of Maine.
- Habilitation, Business ethics, Goethe University, Germany (2011-2015)
- PhD, Business Ethics, Goethe University, Germany (2008-2011)
- M.A., Philosophy & Economics, University of Bayreuth, Germany (2004-2007)
- B.A., Philosophy & Economics, University of Bayreuth, Germany (2001-2004)
Research Interests
- Engineering and computer ethics (especially big data ethics and information privacy).
- Business (ethics) and human rights.
- (Political) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate citizenship.
- Multi-stakeholder CSR-initiatives (especially Equator Principals framework and U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).
- Sustainable finance and finance ethics.
- Climate ethics/justice (with special focus on financial institutions and climate change mitigation).
- Constitutional economics, neoliberalism and social market economy.
- Behavioral and happiness economics, economic psychology and neuroeconomics.
- Economic policy (with a special focus on European integration and politics).