Aaron Gallant Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

311 Boardman Hall
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469-5711

(207) 581-2391
Fax: 207-581-3888
Email: aaron.gallant@maine.edu

aaron gallant

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Ph.D. Civil Engineering,
Northwestern University, 2014

M.S. Civil Engineering,
Northwestern University, 2011

B.S. Civil Engineering,
Tufts University, 2009

CIE 460 – Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
CIE 598 – Geostructures I – Foundations
CIE 598 – Geostructures II – Earth Retention Systems

Research Interests:

Combining theory and practice to reconcile observed performance and behavior of natural landforms, geo-materials, and subsurface infrastructure.  Skills and experience include:

  • Monitoring performance of geo-structures and ground behavior
  • Evaluating constitutive behavior of saturated and unsaturated sediments in the laboratory
  • Analytical and numerical analyses of coupled mechanical processes

Continuing and emerging interest include:

  • Ground improvement/stabilization, including blast densification and column-supported embankments
  • Behavior of gassy/unsaturated sediments and resiliency to instabilities during extreme events and dynamic loading
  • Soil-structure interaction