Undergraduate Student Spotlight
This semester’s undergraduate student spotlight goes to Greg Kritzman, a senior in Computer Science here at the School of Computing and Information Science. I caught up with Greg to talk school, capstone, and even a little parkour.
J- So tell me a bit about yourself. What do you like to do for fun?
Greg- I have been doing parkour for 7 years, curling (the ice sport) for 3, and I have also been singing for over a decade. My more minor hobbies include hiking, slacklining, kayaking, and computer programming.

J- Why did you choose to come to UMaine?
Greg- I wanted to be an engineer, and I heard that UMaine’s engineering department had a good reputation. I decided on computer science after applications went out, and of the schools I got into, UMaine was the only school that had a good computer science program and was also affordable.
J- what have you been involved with on campus?
Greg- To date, I am involved in University Singers, UMaine Curling Club, Cybersecurity Club, CRU (bible study), Crew (rowing), Black Bear Men’s Choir, and Ursa Minor (which is an extension off of BBMC).
J-So tell me, what is your capstone?
Greg- I am working with Seraphina Orsini to build a quadruped robot and program it such that it can teach itself how to walk. We’re working out of the CS department. Our advisors are Roy Turner (from the computer science department) and Bruce Segee from the electrical and computer engineering department. Essentially, we just want to demonstrate the integration of several major branches of computer science with this project.
J- So what are your plans for after graduation?
Greg- I’m planning on staying at UMaine for two years of grad school, getting a masters in Information Systems (MSIS). I’m looking to work at a two year position as a graduate research assistant during my graduate career.