SIE students participate in Graduate Research Exposition

The 10th Annual Graduate Research Exposition was held April 15-16, 2008, in the Buchanan Alumni House at the University of Maine. The Expo, which is organized by UMaine’s Graduate Student Government, is an opportunity for graduate students to showcase academic excellence and creative achievement. Graduate students from the Department of Spatial Information Science and Engineering with poster or oral presentations at the Expo were: David Almeida, Stacy Doore, Matthew Dube, Christopher Farah, Jixiang Jiang, Guang Jin, Qinghan Liang, Francois Neville, Arda Nural, Maria Vasardani, and Danqing Xiao. In addition, undergraduate senior Benjamin Weber participated in the Expo with a poster presentation. Three SIE students won prizes at the Expo. David Almeida won second prize and Francois Neville won third prize in the Engineering Posters category. And Maria Vasardani won second prize in the Engineering Talks category. Congratulations to David, Francois, and Maria and to all our SIE students for a job well done! (pictured, l. to r., Expo prize winners Francois Neville, David Almeida, Maria Vasardani)