
Robot Interaction Laboratory Receives Advanced Mapping Robots as a Donation

The Robot Interaction Laboratory at the School of Computing and Information Science (director: Dr. Reinhard Moratz) recently got a donation from the Maine-based company PenBaySolutions (Chief Technology Officer: Stuart Rich) of three advanced mapping robots. Currently the students Chris Dorr and Seraphina Orsini are working with the equipment to build augmented indoor maps. This will help to further […]

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George Markowsky to speak on Cyber Warfare: Past, Present and Future

Mid-Maine Global Forum Program Announcement Professor George Markowsky The Leeke-Shaw Lecture at the Margaret Chase Smith Library Cyber Warfare: Past, Present and Future Margaret Chase Smith Library Skowhegan, Maine Tuesday, October 28 11:30 lunch, 12 pm program Cyber warfare can be thought of as the latest embodiment of military intelligence. The ubiquity of computing devices […]

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UMaine’s SCIS Represented at Geographic Information Science Conference in Vienna

Kate Beard, Max Egenhofer and Joshua Lewis presented research at the Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science in September 2014. The conference, referred to as GIScience 2014, was hosted by Vienna University of Technology in Austria. Kate Beard presented her paper at the First International Workshop on Context-Awareness in Geographic Information Services, which occurred in conjunction with the […]

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Engineering Job Fair – Thursday, Oct 16th

If you have a major in engineering, engineering technologies or computer science and you’re looking for a job or an internship, then come to the University of Maine’s Engineering Job Fair next Thursday! At least 85 different organizations will be present looking for future interns and employees. For anyone looking to make the most out […]

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News Coverage of the VEMI Lab Open House

WABI TV 5, WVII ABC 7 and WFVX FOX Bangor News attended an open house for UMaine’s Virtual Environment and Multimodal Interaction (VEMI) Lab last Wednesday. The open house was an opportunity for the public to learn about and even experience many of the projects taking place in the VEMI Lab, which houses Maine’s only virtual reality research facility. […]

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VEMI Lab Open House from 4-6 Today

The Virtual Environment and Multimodal Interaction (VEMI) Lab is holding an open house in Carnegie Hall this afternoon from 4-6. This will be the VEMI lab’s second annual open house, and guests will have the opportunity to learn about the lab’s latest research and development advances. Last years event was very successful with a large turnout, […]

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Presentation: Geospatial Business Intelligence and Big GeoData

Presentation: Geospatial Business Intelligence and Big GeoData Who: Dr. Yvan Bedard, Professor, Laval University (and UMaine alumnus) <http://yvanbedard.scg.ulaval.ca/?lang=en> When: Noon, Thursday, September 18 Where: Room 336 Boardman Hall Please come and discuss with Yvan his perspectives and approaches for addressing big geodata challenges.

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CIS welcomes cooperating faculty

CIS is delighted to welcome five new cooperating professors. David Hiebeler and Andre Khalil join us from from Department of Mathematics, and Bruce Segee and Yifeng Zhu from Electrical and Computing Engineering. This provides yet more proof that CIS is the hub of things computational at Orono.

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