Dual Degree Program
The College of Engineering’s dual degree program with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences prepares students for entrance into a diverse spectrum of careers, providing both a strong, fundamental engineering education and a thorough understanding of the broader aspects of society.
To be competitive in the workplace and knowledgeable about the world around you, consider both engineering and a liberal arts education.
Most graduate school programs in engineering are as interested in strong students with broad-based science backgrounds from excellent liberal arts colleges as they are in students with engineering degrees.
Students with liberal arts backgrounds bring an added awareness of the human dimension of every issue, as well as a technical dimension. And engineering professionals who have combined both an engineering degree and a liberal arts education speak highly about the opportunities their education has created. They also know a thing or two about the opera or foreign languages, in addition to their engineering knowledge, which makes them much more fun to be around.
If you are interested in learning more about dual degrees and adding to your engineering degree, contact Associate Dean Mohamad Musavi at 207.581.2218 or musavi@maine.edu.