Civil & Environmental Engineering

Graduate Programs

Explore advanced degrees in Civil & Environmental Engineering, where innovation meets efficiency. Our graduate programs equip students with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills to tackle global infrastructure and environmental challenges. Join a community of forward-thinking engineers shaping a better future.

graduate coordinator

Lauren Ross, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate Coordinator

Key Admissions Deadlines

Advance Your Future:

Program Offerings

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers MS (thesis or non-thesis) and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering. Areas of study include Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, and Water Resources Engineering.

A Master of Engineering (ME) in Civil Engineering degree program (non-thesis) with a concentration in Water and Environment is also offered and is designed to equip students with advanced knowledge in the areas of water and environment. Courses are designed to cover modeling, analysis, and design aspects of engineering and scientific problem-solving. Students gain skills critical to success in their future career, and also earn credit toward professional engineering licensure.

The Environmental and Water Resources Engineering areas include:

  • Hydrology, water resources sustainability, hydroclimatology, coastal engineering, river and estuarine mixing and transport processes, wave, tide and sediment dynamics in estuaries, hydrologic response to climate change, life cycle analysis, and adaptive environmental management and policy.

Structural Engineering and Mechanics research include:

  • Structural applications of composites, timber and reinforced timber structures, concrete materials, structural health monitoring, and computational mechanics.

Geotechnical research areas include:

  • Soil mechanics, unsaturated/gassy soil mechanics, and thermal soil mechanics, slope stability, site investigations, soil-structure interaction, ground improvement, foundation engineering and design of earth retention structures.

Transportation Engineering research areas include:

  • Transportation safety, Modeling of transportation data, systems and operations research.

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