A. Richard Vannozzi – Assistant Professor, Surveying Engineering Technology



A. Richard Vannozzi

Assistant Professor, Surveying Engineering Technology


  • B.S. Forestry with high honors and concentrations in both forest management and surveying/ University of Maine (1984)
  • M.S. Forestry, with a surveying emphasis/ University of Maine (2006).
  • Graduate coursework in geomatics and adult education (40 CHs)/ University of Connecticut. (2007-2009).


  • Professional Land Surveyor (MA)


  • National Society of Professional Surveyors
  • Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers


Richard has taught surveying across New England since 2003. From 2003-2007 Richard taught numerous surveying related courses at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in both the day undergraduate programs and the evening programs. While at the University of Connecticut from 2007-2009 he taught surveying in their Civil Engineering program. From 2009-2015 Richard was an Assistant Professor in the Civil Technology program in the Thompson School of Applied Science at the University of New Hampshire.  He returned to Wentworth in 2016 as an Assistant Professor in their Civil Engineering program where he taught geomatics, surveying and related courses through 2019, when he came to
the University of Maine. Richard joined the faculty of the Surveying Engineering Technology program at the University of Maine in the Fall of 2019. He teaches courses across the curriculum both in the traditional classroom and on-line. His research interests are in the application of new technologies to traditional surveying tasks and workflows and the continuing education of practitioners necessary for new competency development.

He is registered as a Professional Land Surveyor in Massachusetts. Before reorienting his career to focus on surveying education in 2003, Richard worked in private practice for 19 years, eight of which was as the owner of his own land surveying company where he specialized in ancient boundary retracement, boundary dispute resolution, and title, boundary, and zoning litigation. Richard maintains a small consulting practice that specializes in complex boundary, title, and zoning matters for select clients, including attorneys and other Professional Land Surveyors. Richard was the 2012 recipient of ACSM’s Earle J. Fennell Award for distinguished educational contributions to ACSM and the surveying and mapping profession.

He is a Past-President of the Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers (MALSCE). He has received five presidential citations and in 1998, he was recognized as MALSCE’s Surveyor of the Year.

He is a Past-President of The Engineering Center in Boston and served on the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) Board of Directors representing Massachusetts from 2008-2019, before he moved to Maine.

He also serves on the NSPS Education Committee where he coordinated their National Student Competition for 9 years between 2011 and 2020.  In2017, Richard was elected a Fellow of NSPS. He has received two presidential citations from NSPS for his work with the student competition and two Key-Director awards for his work on the Board of Directors.

In 2023 the New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association (NHLSA) presented him with an honorary membership in recognition of 20 years of service providing educational opportunities for their membership.

While a student at UMaine, Rich was active in Alpha-Phi-Omega, the National Service Fraternity (Now Alpha-Delta) and a Senior Skull.
While in private practice Richard was active in the Rotary Club of Plymouth, Massachusetts where he served as President from 2001-2002.
Rich is an Eagle Scout having earned the award at age 15.
Rich’s hobbies include nature photography, fishing and UMaine Hockey fandom.