Edwin Nagy Principal Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Phone: 207.581.2164
Fax: 207.581-3888
Email: edwin.nagy@maine.edu

Edwin Nagy

Principal Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Ph. D. – Civil Engineering
University of Maine, 2010.

M.S. – Civil Engineering
University of Maine, 1998.

A.B. – Mathematics and Physics
Amherst College, 1993.


CIE 115 Computers in Civil Engineering
CIE 411 Engineering Project Design
CIE 412 Engineering Decisions
CIE 442 Structural Design I
CIE 443 Structural Design II
CIE 544 Design of Wood Structures
CIE 647 Advanced Topics in Steel Design

Areas of Interest:

Edwin focuses primarily on teaching, but is also active professionally as a consultant with a hydro-focused engineering company and works with researchers in the area of infrastructure materials.  He teaches structural design courses (steel, concrete, timber and masonry) as well as general civil engineering courses for first and fourth year students.  He has also worked with honors students and graduate students in Structures and Geotechnical Engineering.  As a consultant, he mostly works with younger engineers as a mentor and for quality assurance on structural design, project management, and general career discussions, but also manages small projects and performs structural design.  Edwin has studied composite wood products under blast loading including FRP-renforced light framing and cross-laminated timbers.  He worked extensively with the AIT Bridge-in-a-Backpack (composite concrete) and has conducted experimental and numerical research on fracture in wood and concrete.  Edwin serves as vice-chair on ASCE’s SEI committee on design practice and is a member of AISC.  He has traveled with UMaine’s Engineer’s Without Borders chapter and currently advises UMaine’s ASCE Steel Bridge competition team.