Habib Joseph Dagher, Ph.D, P.E. – Director of the Advanced Structures and Composites Center
Phone: 207.581.2138
Fax: 207.581-2074
Email: habib.dagher@umit.maine.edu
Habib Joseph Dagher, Ph.D, P.E
Director of the Advanced Structures and Composites Center, Bath Iron Works Professor, Distinguished Maine Professor (1995)
Ph.D. Civil Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985.
Dr. Dagher is Professor of Civil/Structural Engineering at the University of Maine, Bath Iron Works Professor of Structural Engineering, and founding Director of the University’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center. a worldclass one stop-shop for integrated composite materials and structural component development.
Dr. Dagher has received numerous awards for his work including the Carnegie Foundation Maine Professor of the Year, the New England Board of Higher Education Excellence Award, the University of Maine’s Distinguished Maine Professor Award and the UMaine Presidential Research and Creative Achievement Award. He has written over 120 technical publications, chairs national technical committees in the structural engineering and composite materials fields, served on the Science and Technology Advisory Board for Maine’s Governor, and serves on the Governor-appointed Innovation Economy Advisory Board. He has conducted multi-million dollar Research and Development programs for numerous Federal clients including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of Naval Research, the U.S. Army, the Corps of Engineers, the Federal Highway Administration, the USDA, and large industrial clients.
Dr. Dagher leads the DeepCwind Consortium, a recently awarded DOE program to develop floating offshore wind technologies in the US. The Consortium includes over 30 private and public institutions. He has testified to the US Senate on offshore wind technologies, as well as to US Secretary of Energy Chu. Dr. Dagher received his Doctorate degree in structural engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also holds two Masters Degrees in Structural Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.
For a list of his current publications, follow this link