Lauren Ross – Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate Coordinator
201 Boardman Hall
Phone: 207.581.2088
Fax: 207.581.3888
Email: lauren.ross1@maine.edu
lauren ross
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate Coordinator
Ph.D. – Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering,
University of Florida, 2014.
M.S. – Applied Mathematics,
San Diego State University, 2008.
B.S. – Mathematics,
University of North Florida, 2006.
CIE 350 Hydraulics
CIE 551 Water Wave Mechanics
CIE 598 Analytical Modeling of Estuaries
Research Interests:
Coastal engineering, estuarine and fjord hydrodynamics, internal waves and tides, analytical and numerical modeling of geophysical flows, marine renewable energy
For more information including publications, please reference her google scholar.