Reed Miller Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

207 Boardman Hall

Ph: 207. 581-3103

Reed Miller, Ph.d.

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering
Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2021

Master of Science in Technology and Policy
MIT, Cambridge, MA, 2012

Master of Environmental and Water Quality Engineering
MIT, Cambridge, MA, 2009

B.S. in Environmental Engineering
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 2008


CIE 412: Engineering Decisions

CIE 4XX: Life Cycle Assessment

Research Interests:

Dr. Miller’s research applies the key methods from the field of Industrial Ecology to tackle sustainability challenges in modern production and consumption systems.  These methods include: life cycle assessment (LCA), environmentally-extended input-output analysis (EEIO), and material flow analysis (MFA).  He is interested in taking a systems view of complex problems to identify tradeoffs and opportunities.

For more information including publications, please reference his Google Scholar.