Sonam Sahoo – Fulbright-Kalam Postdoctoral Scholar
206 Boardman Hall
Phone: 207.385.9814


Yifeng Zhu

Fulbright-Kalam Postdoctoral Scholar


Ph.D. – Earth Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, 2019
M.S. – Geology
University of Delhi, 2013
B.S. – Geology (Hons.)
University of Delhi, India, 2011

Research Interests:
Dr. Sahoo has 10 years of research experience in the areas of river morphology and process understanding. Her research methodologies include Digital Elevation Model analysis for quantification of river basin morphometry, stream power modeling to characterise river form-process relationships, and geo-spatial data analysis to understand hydro-geomorphic sensitivity of river systems. Before joining UMaine, Dr. Sahoo was a postdoc at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar. Her research interest is mainly about:

  • Developing methodology for environmental flow modeling through integration of geospatial data and indigenous knowledges
  • Exploring the interactions between geology, climate and anthropogenic forcings and river morphological evolution.
  • Developing data sets which inform river management frameworks for healthy functioning river ecosystems.

For more information including publications, please reference her Google Scholar.