Wilhelm “Alex” Friess – Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center, Room 221
(207) 581-2122

Wilhelm “Alex” Friess, Ph.D.

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. in Aeronautical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1997

Linkedin:  www.linkedin.com/in/friess/

Researchgate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Wilhelm_Friess

External Engagements:

  • Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubai Campus, 2009-2012
  • Dubai Aerospace Enterprise University, 2007-2008
  • RFB Solar-Tech, 2007 – 2008
  • South African America’s Cup Challenge, Team Shosholoza, 2004-2005
  • Friess Ltd. 1998-2007

Teaching Areas: (More Information)

Engineering Graphics and Computer Aided Design; Statics; Dynamics; Strength of Materials; Fixed Wing Aircraft Design; Capstone Design I & II

Research Areas: (More Information)

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, with focus on lighter-than-air vehicles
  • Engineering Education
  • Energy Efficiency in the build environment (extreme climates) and advanced infiltration diagnostics

Principal Sponsors:

  • NASA and MSGC, NSF, UMaine, Emirates Foundation

Select Research / Collaboration Activities:

  • Remote sensing of forest resources (NASA, UMaine Forest Sciences)
  • LCA of particle board composed of Nanocellulose Fibrils and Mycelium (USDA/ARS, UMaine Forest Sciences)
  • K-12 engineering activities to broaden participation in STEM (MSU, UNC, U of South Florida, NY City College, Boise State University)
  • Spatial visualization in first year engineering graphics courses (Penn State Brandywine, USU)

Select Publications / Conference Presentations:

  • Friess, W.A. “Lighter than air vehicles as aerospace focused projects in a mechanical engineering capstone sequence”.  Accepted for publication to 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
  • Friess, W.A., Goupee, A. “Using continuous peer evaluation in team-based engineering capstone projects: a case study”. IEEE transactions on Education, 2020.  DOI10.1109/TE.2020.2970549
  •   Friess, W.A., Goupee, A. Transformation of a Mechanical Engineering Capstone Experience, 2019, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Cincinnati, October 16-20 2019.
  • Rais-Rohani, Friess, Rubenstein “Aerospace Engineering Initiative at the University of Maine”. 2018 ASEE National Conference and Convention, Salt Lake City.
  • Musavi, Friess, ISherwood and James.  Changing the Face of STEM with Stormwater Research.  International Journal of STEM education, 2018, Online.
  • Friess, W.A.  “Case study of a discontinued start-up engineering program:  critical challenges faced and lessons learned”.  Higher Education Review, Issue 49(3), September 2017.
  • Rakshan, K., Friess, W.A.  “Effectiveness and viability of residential building energy retrofits in Dubai”. Journal of Building Engineering. July 2017.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2017.07.010
  • Friess, W.A., Rakshan, K.  “A review of passive envelope measures for improved building energy efficiency in the UAE”.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. May 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.026
  • Friess, Rakshan, and Davis. “A global survey of adverse energetic effects of increased wall insulation in office buildings: degree day and climate zone indicators “.Energy Efficiency, (2016), 1-20. DOI1007/s12053-016-9441-z
  • Friess, W.A., Martin, E. L., Esparragoza, I.E., Lawanto, O. Improvements in student Spatial Visualization in an introductory engineering graphics course using open-ended design projects supported by 3D printed manipulatives. Proceedings of ASEE National Conference and Convention, New Orleans, June 2016.
  • Friess and Davis, “Formative homework assessment strategies to improve student time management and learning; WIP”. Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Northeast Conference at the University of Rhode Island, April 28-30, 2016

Professional Activities / Memberships:

  • ABET IDEAL scholar and Program Evaluator 
  • UMaine Faculty Fellow
  • ASEE Specialist
  • Editorial Board (Journal of Sports Engineering) and (Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Engineering Education)