Study Abroad
Broaden your engineering education with an international perspective. You will learn about the people, cultures, landscapes and languages of other lands. Meet life-long friends in other countries who may someday serve to be strategic business contacts overseas. And you will discover the world beyond where opportunities and adventure await!
Deadlines for application: April 1 for fall or full year; October 15 for spring.
To help students gain this perspective, the University of Maine Office of International Programs offers numerous study abroad programs through its Direct Exchange and Recommended Programs. The University also hosts a number of exchange students from its reciprocal exchange partners. These students typically study at UMaine for one or two semesters.
Contact the Office of International Programs:
Office of International Programs
5727 Estabrooke Hall, Room 240
Orono, ME 04469-5727
Phone: (207) 581-3437 | Fax: (207) 581-2920
Information for Incoming Exchange Students:
The University of Maine hosts a number of international students every year from its exchange partner institutions. Exchange students typically study at UMaine for one or two semesters. With most direct exchange programs, incoming exchange students pay their tuition and fees at their home institution and pay room and board at UMaine (other administrative fees apply).
International students interested in studying at UMaine as an exchange student should contact their home school international or study abroad office for application forms and procedures.
Why study abroad?
Studying abroad can be the most rewarding, exciting and challenging experience in your college career. It complements and enhances your academic and student life experience at the University of Maine.
What types of Study Abroad Programs are offered through UMaine?
Students can study abroad through Direct Exchange or Recommended Programs. You may also Direct Enroll in an overseas institution.
How much does Study Abroad cost?
Under most Direct Exchanges, students pay their regular tuition and fees to UMaine, and pay room, board and other expenses abroad. Costs for Recommended Programs vary; the Study Abroad Advisor will assist you in researching these details.
May I use Financial Aid for Study Abroad?
Most federal, state and institutional financial aid can be applied for study abroad. However, funds cannot be released until we have verified that you have arrived overseas and have enrolled at your host institution. You must plan accordingly and have funds readily available for several weeks abroad.
Are scholarships available?
Some scholarships are available from the Office of International Programs and other sources. You may also want to speak with your academic advisor, department or college about specific scholarships offered within your discipline.
Will Study Abroad set me back in my studies?
With proper planning, studying abroad shouldn’t set you back in your studies. You will work closely with the Study Abroad Advisor, your academic department and college in selecting the right courses to satisfy your major, general education or general elective requirements.
How do grades and credits earned abroad transfer?
The Office of International Programs and your academic department/college will approve your courses prior to departure. Grades earned abroad do not show on your UMaine transcript and are not computed in your GPA. A grade of C- or better is required in order for credits to transfer.
Which subjects may be studied abroad?
Courses can be found to complement nearly every major offered at UMaine. Many students study abroad to fulfill their major, general education or general elective requirements. Others use the experience as an opportunity to explore subjects new to them.
Is it necessary to speak a foreign language?
Most programs do not require language prerequisites and use English as the language of instruction. Ask the Study Abroad Advisor which programs require language proficiency.
Where will I live?
Most students choose to live in on-campus residence halls provided by their host university, though some find their own apartment after they arrive. Some programs also offer the opportunity to live with a host family.
When do students typically study abroad?
Students typically study abroad during their second or third year. Most programs require at least two semesters of college, but with permission, it is possible for a first-year student to study abroad after the first semester. Students are advised not to study abroad during their last semester at UMaine due to academic requirements. Summer study abroad programs are available also.
When should I begin to look for a program?
As soon as possible! It is recommended to plan at least two semesters in advance. Visit the Study Abroad Resource Room located on the 3rd floor of The Maples to get started.